

[1062] PHP7入門

<?php //Pull '$base_url' and '$signin_url' from this file include 'globalcon.php'; //Pull database configuration from this file include 'dbconf.php'; //Set this for global site use $site_name = '巷集談-街道新聞'; //Maximum Login Attempts $max_attempts = 5; //Timeout (in seconds) after max attempts are reached $login_timeout = 300; //ONLY set this if you want a moderator to verify users and not the users themselves, otherwise leave blank or comment out $admin_email = ''; //EMAIL SETTINGS //SEND TEST EMAILS THROUGH FORM TO https://www.mail-tester.com GENERATED ADDRESS FOR SPAM SCORE $from_email = '[email protected]'; //Webmaster email $from_name = '管理員'; //"From name" displayed on email //Find specific server settings at https://www.arclab.com/en/kb/email/list-of-smtp-and-pop3-servers-mailserver-list.html $mailServerType = 'smtp'; //IF $mailServerType = 'smtp' $smtp_server = 'smtp.gmail.com'; $smtp_user = '[email protected]'; $smtp_pw = '12345'; $smtp_port = 587; //465 for ssl, 587 for tls, 25 for other $smtp_security = 'tls'; //ssl, tls or '' //HTML Messages shown before URL in emails (the more $verifymsg = 'Click this link to verify your new account!'; //Verify email message $active_email = 'Your new account is now active! Click this link to log in!'; //Active email message //LOGIN FORM RESPONSE MESSAGES/ERRORS $signupthanks = 'Thank you for signing up! You will receive an email shortly confirming the verification of your account.'; $activemsg = 'Your account has been verified! You may now login at <br><a href="' . $signin_url . '">' . $signin_url . '</a>'; //DO NOT TOUCH BELOW THIS LINE //Unsets $admin_email based on various conditions (left blank, not valid email, etc) if (trim($admin_email, ' ') == '') { unset($admin_email); } elseif (!filter_var($admin_email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) == true) { unset($admin_email); echo $invalid_mod; } ; $invalid_mod = '$adminemail is not a valid email address'; //Makes readable version of timeout (in minutes). Do not change. $timeout_minutes = round(($login_timeout / 60), 1);