
9-6-3 利用 WinMerge 來過濾 git 檔並比較和舊版差異




  1. WinMerge 是一套比對軟體,官網為 https://winmerge.org/
  2. 建立篩選器:工具→篩選器→新增,建立一個檔案,並將底下內容貼上。name可以改成和檔名相同。做好後安裝之
    ## This is a directory/file filter for WinMerge 
    ## This filter lets through only files ASP.NET developers care about 
    name: Tad
    desc: Exclude Source Control files and directories
    ## This is an inclusive (loose) filter
    ## (it lets through everything not specified)
    def: include
    ## Filters for filenames begin with f: 
    ## Filters for directories begin with d: 
    ## (Inline comments begin with " ##" and extend to the end of the line) 
    f: \.bzrignore$ ## Bazaar ignore file
    f: \.cvsignore$ ## CVS ignore file
    f: \.gitignore$ ## Git ignore file
    f: \.gitattributes$ ## Git attributes file
    f: \.hgignore$ ## Mercurial ignore file
    f: \.svnignore$ ## Subversion ignore file
    f: \.(vs[sp])?scc$  ## Visual SourceSafe files
    f: \Thumbs.db     ## thumbs.DB file
    f: \.exclude$
    f: \.pdb$
    f: \.dropbox
    f: desktop.ini
    d: \\\.svn$ ## Subversion working copy
    d: \\_svn$  ## Subversion working copy ASP.NET Hack
    d: \\cvs$   ## CVS control directory
    d: \\\.git$ ## Git directory
    d: \\\.bzr$ ## Bazaar branch
    d: \\\.hg$ ## Mercurial repository
    d: \\tests$ ## tests sandbox
    d: \\test$ ## tests sandbox


  3. 建立一個釋出用的資料夾,如 release/tad_signup,然後進行比對。將新檔案覆蓋舊檔案,或刪掉已用不到的舊檔。
  4. 接著只要將 release/tad_signup 壓縮成 zip 檔,並用版號及日期作為附加檔名即可,如: tad_signup_1.0_20210815.zip




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